Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Keeping our Kids Catholic

Photo Credit: Dmitry Ryzhkov via Compfight (cc)
We are right in the middle of First Communion and Confirmation season. If as parents we care enough about our Catholic faith to bring our children to the Sacraments then hopefully we care enough to keep them Catholic.

If there was one thing parents could do to make sure their children remain Catholic it would be to never miss Mass—ever. Celebrating Mass is the single most important thing we do as Catholics. If it’s true that we vote with our feet, then Mass attendance would be a good measure of just how important our Catholic faith really is.

When we let sporting events, work, or vacation keep us from going to Mass we are basically saying, “Nothing is more important than our faith except _______________.” If going to that tournament or work are allowed to be more important, a whole list of other priorities creep in until our children arrive at the conclusion that our faith must not be that important at all.

On the other hand, when we get up extra early to go to an early Mass before the tournament starts, or take the time to check for a Catholic church while on vacation, our children catch on. If we make the effort to get to church when it is inconvenient or even difficult, it sends the message to our children that our commitment to Christ is in fact our number one priority.

As we make that extra effort it is important to remember that we are not just going to Mass out of obligation or to follow some rule. We go out of love for Jesus. It is Jesus that offers himself (through the priest) at every Mass so we can directly receive the fruits of his sacrifice. It’s those graces that fuel our lives and our families.

Never missing Mass is no guarantee that our children will remain Catholic. If we allow other priorities to overtake our commitment to Christ and his Church then it’s almost a guarantee that they won’t.

See you Sunday.