Photo Credit: Indi and Rani Soemardjan via Compfight (cc) |
Our spiritual lives are no different. We love the fun,
upbeat events. We like the witty homilies. We need a little of the light and
sweet once in a while. But when that makes up the bulk of our spiritual diet,
we find ourselves spiritually malnourished.
Mass can as dry as an overcooked roast. But a dry roast
still gives us protein and iron, just as the Mass always gives us the spiritual
food of Christ’s body and blood. Our experience may be less than what we hoped
for, but the result is just the same. The Mass is still a foreshadowing of the
heavenly banquet regardless of the human limitations that
keep our experience of worship from being what it could and should be. A cute story in a homily might entertain us or even teach us a lesson, but is it enough to move us to conversion?
keep our experience of worship from being what it could and should be. A cute story in a homily might entertain us or even teach us a lesson, but is it enough to move us to conversion?
On the same token, our personal prayer time can seem like a
chore—just one more obligation we have to meet. That time we set aside with God
becomes time spacing off about work, unfinished projects, or the laundry. I find myself wanting the “warm fuzzy” presence of God in my personal
prayer. I recently viewed a video by Fr. Robert Barron in which he quotes a
homily by one of his professors, “The love of God is not a warm fuzzy!” One
only has to look at a crucifix as evidence of this truth. Occasionally I am
blessed with a profound sense of peace and intimacy in my prayer, but if I
don’t drag myself through the desert I’ll never get to the oasis.
We can’t always have the treats nor always have things
prepared just right. In a fallen world things
don’t always seem like the “juicy rich foods” God promises us. The question is, are we mature enough to take
in what is good for us instead of what we like?